What is Europe

The synopsis of a very nice video
from europa.rai.it

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Air fighting, blood drops on earth, a marked arm
1941: Europe in war, it seems running for self distruction.
An island landscape
On the small island of Ventotene, two young italian exiled antifascists,
hand writing
write the manifest for a free and united Europe.
walking on the shoreline
It sound crazy.
bare tree
But, at war over, six countries believe in it.
sky fading into stars
Now they are 28.
It is European Union.
All together we're 500 millions of people.
Fishermans, stocks quotation, cloud reflected on a building
The planet greatest economy,
but a freedom and democracy place.
old woman smiling
with one of the world's highest quality of life.
European parlament, Strasbourg
If we'd be a country, We'd the Olimpics game winners
beginning of Olimpics Games
But European Union is not a country.
50 cents like a gear
It has a currency.
Tank�s tracks
But not an army.
An agricoltural policy
the same tresher combine working, long shot
But not a foreign policy
Fruit market
It's a single market
An apple splitting in wedges after falling down
But not yet a sense of belongings
Woman placing flowers
Its story is done of successes
flower vase falling
But of mistakes too.
a brush painting
Europe is an experiment never tested before
child painting
A work in progress
child showing his world
To continue to be present in the world.
Children plays with water guns
It learnt its lesson from the war. In fact its hymn does not tell of glory, deads and conquers
child running between drying sheets
His hyms speaks of joy.
the same child running in a wheat field
We must speak of Europe!